我们非常荣幸的跟国内外繁殖者、合作伙伴以及秋田发烧友分享我们的资讯动态。皇家骑士是一个年轻的团队,对我们而言,每一场DOG SHOW都是一个新的起点,在这里展示的每一条资讯背后凝结着的是无数的艰辛和美好的憧憬。梦想就像沙漠里的绿洲,坚持走了许久,也许只是海市蜃楼。但梦想也像是沙漠里的沙子,只要走过之后,就有脚印停留。不忘初心,矢志前行,让我们共同期待皇家骑士的美好未来。
We're great honored to share the following information with breeders, companies and fans all around the world. The ROYAL KNIGHT is so young a team that every DOG SHOW in our eyes is a new beginning for us. Every information listed here is a fruit born by countless effort and the beautiful vision for future. The dream is an oasis in the desert, for which we keep on moving, although probably just mirage would we meet. The dream is also like the sand in the desert on which the footprints would be left once you step by. Remain true to our original aspiration, and keep on going forward. Let us hope for a better future.
* MARCH 2024 *


On 18th,April,2019,Aura gave birth to 3 puppies.


AM CH Regalia's Timber Too(Timber)joined us in July 2019.

2017年9月8日,皇家骑士英国引并带胎回国的超级母犬Cupcake顺利产下5只幼犬。 On  8th September, 2107,Cupcake gave birth to 5 puppies, who was introduced with pregnancy from the UK.

2017年7月18日,皇家骑士引进自美国圣菲顶级犬舍Aces-Up的母犬Miracle带胎回国顺利产下3只幼犬。 On 18th,July,2107,Miracle gave birth to 3 puppies, who was introduced from the US Santa Fe Aces-Up with pregnancy.

2017年9月来自英国顶级秋田犬舍Rthdales的超级母犬Cupcake正式加入皇家骑士。 Ruthdales perfect timing(Cupcake)joined us in September 2017.

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