皇家骑士美国秋田犬舍成立于二O一六年,是中国NGKC名将犬业俱乐部永久注册会员,(NGKC是美国犬业协会(AKC)中国唯一授权的合作伙伴,是中国唯一一家利用DNA进行纯种犬认证的犬业协会。)我们的犬舍位于世界历史文化古都之一的北京,分舍建在中国最美丽的巴山蜀水之地——山城重庆。 The Royal Knight akita Kennel, founded in 2016, is a permanent member of NGKC in China(NGKC is the only partner authorized by the American Kennel Club (AKC) in China, and also is the only dog association that uses DNA for dog pedigree certification in China). Our kennel is located in Beijing which is one of the most famous historical and cultural cities in the world. Our branch is built in the most beautiful city in southwest China: Chongqing.
我们第一次与美国秋田犬这个迷人品种的接触可以追溯到2001年。那是一个不同寻常的时代,互联网尚未如今日般彻底颠覆我们的日常生活,我们对外界的了解大多局限于传统媒体和书籍。某一天,远在大洋彼岸的好友寄来了几本犬类方面的专业书籍,其中一本名为《Akita World》的杂志尤为引人注目。翻开那些色彩鲜明的页面,我们被美国秋田犬那健壮的体型、粗壮的骨架、饱满的头型和厚实的耳朵深深地吸引,仿佛看到了一只迷人的棕熊。然而,直到2008年,我们才真正拥有了第一只秋田犬。她是一只来自美国中西部俄亥俄州的小母犬,名叫Vigny。随着Vigny的成长,我们有幸见证了这个品种所具有的卓越气质,包括聪明、忠诚和勇气。正是Vigny的到来,让我们彻底陷入了这个犬种的独特魅力中。如同许多杰出繁殖者所描述的,这些犬只不仅外貌高贵华丽,内在也充满尊严和勇气。他们并不轻易对每个人展示亲近,只选择对最亲近的人撒娇。因此,陌生人往往会觉得他们略带“高冷”,但正是这种神秘的吸引力让我们深深为之着迷。
It has been 16 years since I saw the akita first and became concerned about this breed in 2001. At that time the internet in China hadn’t changed our life as it dose now. There are limited ways to collect the infromation regarding this breed, even the books are hard to get. Luckily, a good friend sent us some publications, I still remember one of the magazine is AKITA WORLD. I was attracted by their character, which is large, powerful, with much substance and heavy bones. The broad head and thick erect ears make them look just like brown bears. Until 2008 had I owned a first akita, Vigny, a really beautiful girl from Ohio US. She is so intelligent, loyal and brave that she totally discloses the whole characteristics of the akita. We were deeply fascinated by this breed after Vigny joined us. Just as most great breeders described, they are dignified, brave and elegant. Maybe people tend to think they are a little aloof, as they may not be so intimate with others as with their masters, which exactly touched our heart.

从此以后,我们开始从美国秋田犬最初的繁殖目的、发展历史、性格特点、遗传疾病,以及各主流血系的演变历程展开了深入的研究。为了专注于这个犬种,我们投入了整整十年的时间和心血。这段漫长的时间也解释了为什么在引进Vigny之后,我们并没有急于添加新的种犬。当Vigny加入我们的时候,我们还只是这个犬种的发烧友。然而,正是她的出现坚定了我们从业余爱好者向专业繁殖者转变的决心,并深化了我们对于“优秀的母犬是犬舍灵魂”的这一理念的理解。经过数十年的努力和国外优秀繁殖者的帮助,我们明确了自己的发展方向,时隔八年在2016-2023年间,我们先后引进了美国东部宾夕法尼亚州的Regalia akitas、美国东部西维吉尼亚州的Mt Joy akitas、欧洲西北部的Dynamic Force akitas和英国斯凯尔默斯代尔的Ruthdales四家顶级秋田犬舍的种犬作为我们的基础繁育犬,这些优质种群的到来历经了千辛。在此,我们衷心的感谢我们的国外同行Carol Laubscher、Patricia Ellis、Lene Lykke Huls女士,以及Marcel Huls和Matthew Bostock先生,是他们为我们提供了血统优良的美国秋田犬,同时也感谢国内合作伙伴和秋田发烧友的信任和鼓励。
Since then, we had spent 10 years to study the history, characteristics, genetic diseases and influential bloodlines in the development of this breed, which is also the reason why we hadn’t imported any akita in this period. There had happened a lot in these 10 years. When Vigny came to us, I was just a fan of the akita. But it was when we started to consider to be professional breeders. Meanwhile we have learnt that an excellent foundational bitch is a soul of a kennel. Under the guidance of outstanding foreign breeders, we kept moving to the right direction. After 7 years, between 2016 and 2018, we succeeded to import 4 excellent akitas from Regalia Akitas、Mt Joy Akitas、Dynamic Force akitas、Ruthdales respectively as our foundation. There contains much effort of our foreign colleague. We must sincerely thank them, especially our very good friend, Carol Laubscher,Lene Lykke Huls, Patricia Ellis and Marcel Huls、Matthew Bostock for their trust and support. We also appreciate the trust and encourage from our domestic companies.

We will insist on moral breeding, and believe that breeding is to improve rather than mass production of puppies to meet the market. In order to guarantee the quality of puppies, We plan 1~2 litters every year and just make breeding plans when we think it will do good to the development of this breed.